Can Gaming Actually Be Good for You?
If you love to to play video games, then the answer is a resounding… Maybe? Empirical evidence suggests that playing video games might be a stroke of genius. Studies have shown that despite popular opinion, video gaming may actually be increasing your brain power! America loves video games. In 2015, the U.S. gaming industry took in $23.5 billion. So a trip to iPlay America’s famed and fabulous arcade might actually be a super smart idea!
For years we have been told that playing video games will melt your brain. But the fact is that new gaming technology is becoming a very important learning tool for both kids and adults. Neurobiologists have found new evidence that some video games can improve memory. Would you believe that Angry Birds – which employs problem-solving, memory, spatial reasoning and attention to detail – can boost brain function and IQ? One study found that players of Super Mario 64 on a Nintendo XXL had “significant” increased gray matter responsible for spatial orientation, memory formation, and strategic planning, as well as fine motor skills. Yes, new research indicates that video games may actually have a very positive effect on children and offer numerous brain boosting benefits.
How? What? Really?
“Spatial Intelligence”
There is evidence that playing video games can improve a child’s “Spatial Intelligence”. Video games enhance a child’s ability to think in three dimensions. Gaming stimulates active imagination and improves spatial reasoning in children leading to increased capabilities in dealing with mental imagery and imagery manipulation. These young gamers develop an enhanced sense of direction and understanding of color. Thank you, Tetris! Thanks, Dr. Mario!
“Logical Intelligence”
Gamers also seem to benefit from an improved “Logical Intelligence” meaning that they are capable of advanced reasoning and conflict resolution. Gaming has been linked to exemplary skills in deductive and inductive thinking, sequential reasoning, abstract and symbolic thinking.
“Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence”
“Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence” is also promoted by playing video games. While most gamers play to have fun, the added benefits are amazing. They say that, “practice makes perfect,” and the repeated actions and skills required to play specific video games can lead to outstanding results. The repeated exposure to a video game’s simulated settings and tasks allows gamers the ability to hone their skills in manipulation of objects. This type of play can greatly enhance the connections between mind and body.
“Intrapersonal Intelligence”
Finally, consider the benefits of gaming in relation to “Intrapersonal Intelligence” the ability to understand one’s thoughts and feelings, the intelligence that allows you to think deeper thoughts and to question your own motivations. Thought that allows us to go beyond the concept of, “can I do something?” And take us to the question of “should I do something?” What are the consequences? Games can offer players a certain level of introspection and make a player more aware of their feelings and motivations. Just because your Princess is in another castle, doesn’t mean you have to go and find her! But, if you must, you must!
Now is this proof definitive? Good question! As Bill Murray said in the movie Ghostbusters, “Back off man, I’m a scientist!” But it certainly gives credence to the idea that time spent playing video games is indeed time well spent! And if you want to enjoy the very best in games in a climate controlled atmosphere where it’s always FUN inside, no matter what the weather’s like outdoors, then there’s no place better than iPlay America! We’re not saying that playing video games at iPlay America will make you a genius, but it really is a brilliant idea!