iPlay America is honored to be a participating sponsor in this years Salvation Army Angel Tree project. Partnering with Star 99.1 and The Salvation Army in New Jersey we invite you help make a difference in the life of a child this Christmas.
For many families in our area, Christmas will be just another day on the calendar. Parents struggling to meet the everyday needs of their families won’t be able to scrape enough money together to buy a tree, plan a special meal, or buy presents for their children.
Every year, thousands of families apply for Christmas assistance through The Salvation Army. During the application process, clothing sizes, and special needs of every child in the family are written on paper “angels” along with the child’s first name, age and gender. These precious children will receive your generous Angel Tree gifts. What a meaningful way to bring Christmas to families who may otherwise not have an opportunity to celebrate.
iPlay America has a Salvation Army Christmas Angel Tree on display in the Welcome Center. We encourage you to visit iPlay America at 110 Schanck Road in Freehold, New Jersey, and select an angel gift tag. Each tag is coded and corresponds to a specific child, which means after you’ve purchased your gift, you can drop it off at any Star 99.1/Salvation Army sponsor location.
Hurry! Angels must be returned by December 11 so children will receive their gift by Christmas.
On behalf of the many children and families who will blessed by your kindness and generosity… THANK YOU!