Thursday, April 26, 2012
Our New Jersey indoor amusement park, iPlay America, is proud to be sponsoring a Safe Driving Workshop for teens. Safe driving is more than important and should be taught in depth to our newest drivers. Our family fun destination in NJ will feature a teen-led workshop, presenting about distracted driving. To learn more about iPlay hosting the Safe Driving Workshops and how you can purchase your tickets, read the article below. After the workshop, teens will be able to enjoy indoor rides and indoor games at our NJ indoor amusement park!
Source:Freehold Patch
The annual Teen Safe Driving Summit presented by the NJ Teen Safe Driving Coalition will feature a teen-led workshop this year about distracted driving on May 12 at iPlay America in Freehold.
The event, for 14-16 year-old teens and their parents, will have a series of workshops and presentations which address the risks of distracted driving, as well as the impact of drugs and alcohol, seat belt use, having too many passengers in the car and nighttime driving.
“No other age group on the road has a higher crash risk and nothing kills more teens than car crashes,” said Pam Fischer, Coalition Leader. “But we have a tool, graduated driver licensing or GDL, that families can leverage to address the problem. Through the Summit, teens and adults work together and with their respective peer groups to learn how and why GDL reduces crash risk. Armed with this information, they’re empowered to put the proven principles of New Jersey’s GDL program, which has cut teen driver fatalities in half over the past decade, to work for them.”
Summit keynote speaker Maryanne Abbate, whose story in chronicled in the feature film “The Fifth Quarter,” knows all too well the dangers posed by novice drivers.
For the full article and ticket information,click here.
To learn more about this NJ indoor amusement park and its rides, games, and birthday parties, stop by our NJ family fun destination today. Call today (732) 577-8200 to contact us.